Monthly Beer Subscription
Boundary subscriptions are back.
There are 3 cases to choose from. Our Core case, Core & Specials case, and Specials case.
And if you don't like dark beers, you mad bastard, you can opt to get any case without stouts. Stouts out.
Each case has 12 beers:
Core case has 3 cans each of APA, Imbongo, Forever Ago & Export Stout. Core case (without dark beers) has 4 cans each of APA, Imbongo & Forever Ago. £35
Core & Specials case will be a mix of our 4 core beers and some Specials (we brew 4-6 of these new beers EVERY MONTH). £37
Specials case will be all special beers. No core beers. £40
We keep the contents a secret. Because everyone loves a surprise!
Shipping is the same as on the rest of the site. One case is £5, two or more is free shipping.
1. Subscription cases ship the last day of every month.
2. You can change your subscription at any stage: pause it, increase it, cancel it. You are not tied in at all. You have full control of this (you'll receive info on how to do this when you sign up).
3. Member discounts CAN BE APPLIED when you sign up. I know, madness. Fill your boots. (Note: you only need to apply the discount when signing up, it will automatically be applied each month thereafter for all future payments.)